Exciting Times!

My book, End of Crows, the first in the Small Sacrifices Series, recently hit #2 on Amazon. To say I was excited is a complete understatement, as I was dancing and crying seeing it finally going out into the big, scary world. As many of us authors fear how our baby will be received by others, I waited with bated breath to see how society would receive my written child. You can imagine my relief and surprise when the 5 star reviews started pouring in. What a relief!

It has been a struggle the past 3 years, as my books have been banned, labeled as encouraging uprising in the youth and anti-government, despite my proof that my End of Crows was written and sent to my editor prior to Covid, the elections and January 6th. My error with my first book? I used terms such as Dominion (such a cool name for an evil government that I had NO clue was also the name of the voting software in America), and vaccines and forced submission. The desire behind my stories was to throw my hat in to the ring with Veronica Roth and Suzanne Collins, who wrote the Divergent and Hunger Games Series, respectively. I adore this type of story, and desired to add a little more for my character, so I gave her superpowers too. I never dreamed my writing would trigger others to use my books as a message for what is happening in the United States. So, for 3 years, my character, Willow, was held as a silent hostage, not allowing to tell her story to the fictional readers she was meant for.

Here we are now, she is being embraced, compared to Katniss and Tris (yes, I’m Fan Girling when I read the reviews who state this) but then the added comments that I take it just a bit further is exciting and exhilarating. Readers get her (Willow) and are loving her. I recently received a video of a woman in Canada who just finished listening to the audiobook of End of Crows. She was crying and explaining how the story brought out so many emotions, and that she was hooked on the series. These are visions and words every author dreams of; to bring your readers to tears, evoke laughter and even rage. We moved someone with our words.

Any of my Willow Warrior’s out there, I would love to hear and connect with you. Your love for Willow is energizing and I would love to hear your favorite parts of her tale. Sign up for my newsletter (coming soon) for teasers and tidbits of the 5th book coming out this Thanksgiving. Gathering of Corvids will only be available through my website, so stay tuned! Until then, much love to you all who recognize a fictional story and loving it anyway!
