Let’s Get Together!

With so much fear, negativity and scams out there, I want to get back to humanity, the compassion and lifting each other up. It feeds my soul and I function so much better with positivity. So the way I feel I can give back is to share my knowledge with others.

I’ve 20 years experience in self-publishing and I used to teach self-publishing classes in school, so I want to schedule a meeting, maybe let’s start with an hour via Zoom and let’s just talk. I can help novice authors with positive encouragement, show you how to get your books up on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc or help answer any other questions you may have.

I’m not going to charge for this and I won’t tease you and the end of the meeting tell you that you must purchase something to get the rest of the information. Nothing like that. Just author to author, friend to friend.

If you are interested in joining me, subscribe and in the notes area, type “I’m in!” and I’ll make sure to add you to the email when I schedule the time.

I look forward to meeting and talking to you and keep spreading the love!

R.A. Lingenfelter
